Save money by removing small leaks yourself

Car radiator fluid concentrate by Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) GmbH is a specially designed concentrate that is used to cool the car engine. Its main task is to maintain the engine at the right temperature, preventing overheating and damage, and facilitates the detection of leaks.
- • Protects installations against high and negative temperatures
- • Maintains installations
- • Protects installations against corrosion
- • Can be used for all types of coolers
- • Protects the system from deposits
- • Technology for detecting leaks in the cooling system (UV test)

91301G132 – G13 (purple)
Type: concentrate
Temperature range: -36 °C
Capacity: 1.5L
Meets the requirements of the following standards: PN93/C-40008-10; PN-C-40007; ASTM D5931-13; ASTM D1287-11; PN 93/C-40008-05; PN-C-4008-06:1993/AZ 1:2000
Meets the requirements of the following specification: ASTM D 3306; BS 6580:2010; AUDI/SEAT/SKODA/VW TL 774J
No. UFI: 7800-F0V9-G003-TW3Y

91301G122 – G12 (red)
Type: concentrate
Temperature range: -36 °C
Capacity: 1.5L
Meets the requirements of the following standards: PN93/C-40008-10;PN-C-40007;ASTM D5931-13; ASTM D1287-11; PN 93/C-40008-05; PN-C-4008-06:1993/AZ 1:2000
Meets the requirements of the following specification: ASTM D 3306; BS 6580:2010; ASTM D4985; ASTM D 1384; ASTM D 6210; CATERPILAR MAK A4.05.09.01; CUMMINS CES 14439; CUMMINS CES 14603; DAF 74002; FORD WSS-M97-B44-D2; JOHN DEERE JDM H5; KOMATSU AF-NAC; MAN 324 SNF; MB-APPROVAL 325.3; RENAULT 41-01-001/- S TYPE D; SAE J 1034; VOLVO COOLANT VCS; AUDI/SEAT/SKODA/VW TL 774D/F
No. UFI: 2600-Y05W-500M-4JHW

91301G112 – G11 (green)
Type: concentrate
Temperature range: -36 °C
Capacity: 1.5L
Meets the requirements of the following standards: BS 6580; ASTM D 1384; TL 774- C (VW); STN 66 8910, PN-C-4007:2000
Meets the requirements of the following specification: Porsche / VW/ AUDI/ Seat/ Skoda TL 774 C, Mercedes DBL 7700, Ford ESD M97 B49-A, MAN 324 NF, GM US 6277 M, FORD WSS-M97B44-C, Chrysler MS 9176, BMW N 600 69.0, VOLVO (Reg. N 260), OPEL GM QL 130100
No. UFI: F300-F0GG-V004-G6XU