+49 89 43759523

+49 89 43759530


15 000 EUR per la Tua idea

15 000 EUR per la Tua idea

If you are an automotive industry expert and you have an idea, suggestion, innovative solution associated with the design and production of automotive parts, don’t hesitate to share your knowledge with us. We’ll pay from 1000 up to even 15 000 EUR for your idea and you’ll also have the satisfaction from its implementation, if we use your solution. We will also buy non-implemented patents from within the EU and from outside the EU. We are open to cooperation with everyone: natural persons, automotive companies, research centers and educational institutions.
Master-Sport Autmobiltechnik (MS) GmbH is also active in Poland through its branch and the manufacturing and distribution center. We are an innovative company that appreciates groundbreaking solutions and projects. Our goal is to create high-quality automotive parts whose durability and reliability will exceed even that of the OEM parts. We are analyzing the weak points of the original solutions and we are looking for opportunities to eliminate them. We pay attention to the opinions of engineers, technicians, workers of research institutes and all of our business partners. Our projects are supported by EU funds under the framework of the Innovative Economy program. We will also participate in the currently launched industry program “INNOMOTO”, thanks to which innovative automotive companies will be able to receive significant resources for research and development from the National Centre for Research and Development.

We’re looking forward to your ideas – please write to us at the following address: innovations@springgreen-peafowl-632044.hostingersite.com


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