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2-year warranty on Master-Sport products


1. The subject of the warranty provided in accordance with the provisions of this warranty card are MASTER-SPORT brand suspension components intended for passenger cars, vans and off-road vehicles, hereinafter referred to as Products.

2. The guarantor within the meaning of this warranty card is MASTER-SPORT-AUTOMOBILTECHNIK (MS) PRODUCTION-DISTRYBUTION CENTER with headquarters in Gorlice, 11Listopada 68 Street, 38-300 Gorlice.

3. This warranty does not exclude, limit or suspend the buyer’s rights arising from the non-conformity of the goods with the contract.

2-year warranty on Master-Sport products

1. The warranty covers the use of the Product for a period of 24 months from the date of sale and 36 months from the date of sale on selected products*.
(* List of Products with extended warranty period available on MS website or on original packaging )


1. The conditions for consideration of the warranty are:
(a) filling out a claim on the form developed by the Guarantor,
b) submitting the complaint in writing together with the complaint notification,
c) delivery of the Product under complaint,
d) submission of the Warranty Card,
e) submission of proof of purchase of the Product,
f) at the request of the person accepting the complaint or the Guarantor – making the vehicle available for evaluation of its technical condition by the Guarantor.
All of the above conditions must be met together.

2. All claims must be submitted to the point of sale where the warranty card was issued.

3. Complaints are processed within 30 working days from the date of filing a complaint in the manner specified in items 1 and 2.

4. The decision of the Guarantor deciding whether or not to accept the complaint is not subject to appeal to the Guarantor.

5. The warranty does not cover compensation for loss of time, for temporary vehicle malfunction, inconvenience, and inconvenience or costs associated with filing a claim.

6. If the complaint is accepted, the Product shall be replaced with a brand new one. If the Guarantor is not able to replace the Product with the same brand-new one as a result of the end of production of the Product, the Customer is entitled to receive a refund of the purchase price of the Product.

7. Submission of a complaint in the manner specified in items 1 and 2 implies acceptance of the warranty terms set forth herein.


1. This warranty does not cover any Product that is repaired, regardless of the method and extent of the repair and the person who repaired the Product.

2. This warranty also does not cover Products damaged due to, among other things:
(a) failure to comply with the performance requirements for the Products as specified by the Guarantor,
(b) incorrect assembly or disassembly, E.g., use of incorrect tools,
(c) improper operation of the Product,
(d) operation contrary to its intended use, E.g., installing the Product in a car other than in the list provided by the manufacturer,
e) poor technical condition of the vehicle, including incorrect suspension geometry, defective, damaged or worn shock absorbers, brakes, springs or other suspension components,
f) uszkodzenia mechaniczne, np. uderzenie kołami w przeszkodę taką jak krawężnik, wyrwa w jezdni,
g) przeciążenie Produktu i eksploatacja z niewłaściwym ciśnieniem (zbyt wysokim lub zbyt niskim),
(h) wypadek drogowy,
i) celowe działanie powodujące uszkodzenie Produktu,
j) używania Produktu podczas zawodów sportowych lub zawodów mających cechy zawodów sportowych, w tym w szczególności wyścigów amatorskich lub zawodowych*.
(* It is possible to use the Product in sports competitions or for competition having the characteristics of sports competition, only after obtaining written permission from the Guarantor).

3. In the case of sets (Product consisting of several elements), only the defective element shall be replaced.

In case of violation of any of the points of the GUARANTEE CARD, the Guarantor reserves the right to reimburse the cost of conducting an expert examination, and to reimburse shipping costs.


1. In order to properly operate the Products, the user is obliged to observe all the following rules:
a) install and disassemble the Products only at authorized service centers,
b) when selecting and purchasing the Product, obtain from the seller information about the Product and its operation.
c) after replacing the Product, it is essential to check (adjust) the geometry at the diagnostic station
d) install on the vehicle tires of exactly the size specified in the technical requirements for the vehicle.

Warranty Card

Complaint Report Card

3-year warranty on Master-Sport products

Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) is introducing a new 3-year warranty or mileage warranty on selected products. The new extended warranty is a confirmation of the long-standing presence in the market, maintaining the highest standards of quality, durability and very positive feedback from users. Master-Sport’s products have all the necessary quality certifications in the respective markets, min the German TUV stating compliance with ISO 9001. Master-Sport is also involved in the design of first body solutions and supplies its products to the primary market.

General warranty conditions

1. Most of the products offered by Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) are covered by the warranty provided by the manufacturer in accordance with the terms and duration specified by the manufacturer. If you purchase a product and install it in a professional workshop servicing vehicles of the makes and models for which Master Sport parts are offered, we provide a 3-year warranty or mileage warranty on selected products, the terms of which are specified in Section 3.

2. The basic documents proving the right to make warranty and complaint claims are:
– proof of purchase of the product (receipt or invoice)
– Master-Sport warranty card (with the appropriate stamps and meter readings at the time of installation and the occurrence of a defect)
– Master-Sport claim notification card

3. Selected Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) products come with a 3-year warranty or mileage warranty. Under it, Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) undertakes to remove any defects or faults in the purchased products, and in the event that the defect or fault, despite repairs, occurs a third time or is impossible to remove, to replace the goods with a new one, free of defects and faults. Repairs and replacements will be carried out only in professional workshops servicing vehicles of brands and models for which Master Sport parts are offered.
The condition for maintaining the right to a 3-year warranty or mileage warranty provided by MS is an annual paid inspection of the vehicle (including the warranted component) performed at the workshop that performed the installation. The inspection will be confirmed by the stamp of the workshop placed on the product warranty card. The warranty card with the appropriate stamps from the vehicle inspections and the proof of purchase of the product are the documents required to maintain the 3-year warranty or mileage warranty, allowing you to make a claim under it. The 3-year warranty does not cover products installed in commercial vehicles or those used for professional or commercial purposes, or vehicles that do not have factory odometer protection.

The 3-year coverage does not include product damage caused by:
– standard operating wear and tear
– operation not in accordance with the operating instructions (including improper power supply) or its intended use,
– malfunctions, damage or destruction caused by negligence, intentional damage, improper storage or exposure of the product in conditions that do not correspond to its characteristics (humidity, temperature, flooding with liquid, fogging, other impurities),
– mechanical damage not resulting from a material defect in the product
– as a result of wear and tear of the product resulting from its normal operation,
– removal of numbers allowing identification of the product,
– short-circuit of electrical or electronic installation,
– improper installation or installation with improper tools.

Warranty Card

Complaint Report Card

Battery warranty

Warranty for batteries is provided:

1. for passenger cars for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase of the battery, not more than 5 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.
2 For cars with above-standard receivers and requiring frequent starts, such as: 3 Couriers, Post Office, Ambulance, Fire Department, Police, Taxi, for a period of 12 months, no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.
4 For trucks, construction and agricultural vehicles for a period of 12 months, not more than 3 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.

In order to obtain the warranty, after purchasing the battery (no later than 7 days from the date of purchase) you must send a photocopy of the completed MS® Battery Warranty Card and proof of purchase to the address listed on the first page of the Warranty Card, and moreover, perform regular inspections of the battery
at a specialized service center every 12 months (+/- 7 days), complete the MS® BATTERY OPERATION CARD, and send a photocopy of the MS® BATTERY OPERATION CARD to the manufacturer’s address no later than 7 days from the date of each inspection.
The Seller’s liability under the warranty for physical defects of the sold item is excluded.

It is possible to obtain an extended warranty:

1. for passenger cars for a period of 36 months from the date of purchase of the battery, not more than 6 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.
2. for cars with above-standard receivers and requiring frequent starts, such as: 3. couriers, Post Office, Ambulance, Fire Department, Police, Taxi, for a period of 18 months, no longer than 4 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.
4. for trucks, construction and agricultural vehicles for a period of 18 months, not more than 4 years from the date of manufacture of the battery.

To obtain the extended warranty, you must send a photocopy of the completed MS® Battery Warranty Card and proof of purchase to the address listed on the first page of the Warranty Card after purchasing the battery (no later than 7 days from the date of purchase), and moreover, perform regular inspections of the battery at a specialized service center every 6 months (+/- 7 days), complete the MS® BATTERY OPERATION CARD, and send a photocopy of the MS® BATTERY OPERATION CARD to the manufacturer’s address no later than 7 days from the date of each inspection.

The Warranty Card is issued only once.

The warranty does not cover and makes it void:

1. improper selection of the battery.
2. use of the battery in a manner inconsistent with its intended use.
3. mechanical damage to the housing or terminals.
4. thermal damage to the housing or terminals.
5. batteries in which the top cover has been tampered with or removed.
6. damage to the battery through malfunction of the vehicle’s electrical system.
7. active mass drainage through deep discharge of the battery (below 8.3 V).
8. active mass drainage through excessive charging of the battery (above 14.7 V).
9. use of activating agents in place of distilled water.
10. battery sulfation due to improper operation.
11. improper installation of the battery in the vehicle.
12. unauthorized modifications and repairs.

Rules for filing complaints:

(1) The basis for making a claim is to have the original Warranty Card correctly (all fields of the card must be completed) and legibly filled out, along with proof of purchase (invoice, receipt).
(2) The warranty card can not have traces of erasure and correction.
(3) The claimed battery must be clean.
(4) Complaints should be filed at the point of purchase of the battery or at the nearest authorized service center.
(5) The time limit for processing a complaint is 14 days. If it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests, the deadline may be extended by the time necessary to carry out laboratory tests.
(6) A replacement battery shall not be issued during the complaint processing period.

Removal and installation of the battery in the vehicle:

1 Disassemble the old battery according to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
a) During disassembly, turn off the ignition and other consumers.
b) Disconnect the ground wire.
c) Disconnect the current cable.
d) Unscrew the mount.
e) Remove the old battery.

(2) Install the MS® battery according to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
a) Place the battery in the vehicle.
b) Fasten the battery according to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
c) Clean the cable terminals and apply a thin layer of technical petroleum jelly inside the terminal.
d) Apply the positive cable to the current (positive) terminal.
e) Apply the negative wire to the ground (negative) pole.
f) Tighten the terminals on the poles.

NOTE: When the battery is disconnected, the data contained in electronic devices, e.g.: clock, radio, etc., may be erased.

Principles of proper battery operation:

1. the condition of the vehicle’s electrical system should be checked regularly.
2. the battery should be kept clean.
3. the battery should be protected from moisture.
4. the battery should be properly installed in the vehicle.
5. the connection of the battery terminals to the cable terminals should be checked regularly.
6.The battery should be operated in a fully charged state.
7. a discharged battery should be recharged immediately.
8. check the state of charge of the battery regularly.
9.In the case of frequent start-ups (urban driving), use of additional power consumers, it may be necessary to recharge the battery with an internal source – rectifier.
10. battery out of service should be fully charged.

The battery should be charged outside the vehicle. The battery should be charged in a ventilated, well-ventilated room. Charge the battery only with direct current. If the battery heats up to 40oC, stop charging, cool the battery and resume charging.

The correct resting voltage of a working battery is 12.6 V – 12.8 V.
The correct charging voltage of a vehicle battery should be: 14.0 V – 14.5 V. The correct density of the electrolyte should be 1.28 – 1.26 g/cm3.


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