Belgrade International Motor Show 2009

Thank you for visiting us in Belgrade and see you in Kiev at SIA 26 - 31 May 2009 !!!

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MAROCCO-DAKAR Desert Expedition 2008

Master-Sport Team has participated in Morocco-Dakar Rally, detailed report from rally soon…

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Tech Support

Beginnend mit dem Jahr 2007, arbeitet die Firma Master-Sport eng mit dem Verlag AUTOBÜCHERWELT (МИР АВТОКНИГ-Mir Awtoknig) zusammen. Im Laufe dieser scheinbar kurzen Zeit, entstand als Ergebnis dieser Zusammenarbeit eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen auf dem Gebiet der Bedienungsanleitungen und Autoreparaturen. Der Moskauer Verlag ?AUTOBÜCHERWELT? (МИР АВТОКНИГ) wirkt seit 1992 auf dem russischen Verlagsmarkt, sowie auf dem Territorium angrenzender Länder. Seit dieser Zeit gilt er als einer der besten Verlage Russlands auf dem Gebiet der PKW Reparaturen und ist gleichzeitig ein sicherer und geprüfter Ratgeber für viele Autofahrer. Die Mehrzahl der Bücher ist für selbständige Autoreparaturen gedacht. Heute gibt der Verlag...

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Master Sport – sponsor of the European Rally Championship

In this year company Master Sport gives technical support to one of the leading competitors - Tomasz Czopik driving in Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX. Cooperation started during first elimination has winning the European Rally Championship in view. Perfect service and innovative technical solutions should increase to attain this goal.

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Report from SIA2008 KIEV

We wish to thank all of the visitors who visited our stand on SIA-2008 in Kiev and we would also like to invite you to MIMS 2008 in Moscov 28.8-1.09 Hall 2, Stand U309 and Automechanika in Frankfurt 16-21.09 Hall 1.1 Stand F29 and next year again to Kiev Automotive Fairs are one of the few opportunities to have direct contact between specialists from our company with car producers, spare parts purchasers, mechanics and end users. MS distributor, while presenting the point of view of their customers, mentioned stable and high quality of the trademark as main factor to increase...

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automechanika Frankfurt

Over 4600 exhibitors from all around the world, 2000 journalists, 160.000 visitors (among them manager staff from the biggest automotive companies). That yet unofficial information describes the biggest automotive event in all the world. Master-Sport must have been there !!! The fairs are the first of all excellent opportunities to present company. Apart from our well known offer we have presented new products being implementated and our own construction solutions. The fairs are perfect place to completing negotiations and trade talks as well. We noticed also increasing level of knowledge about the brand. Guests more and more frequently have prepared...

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TecDoc Certified Data Supplier

Master-Sport became TecDoc Certified Data Supplier and got the right to use special logo.

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MIMS 2008 Moscow

International Car Fair MIMS took place in Moscow in August/September 2008 The presence of the best world leaders in production of cars, spare parts and equipment shows the increasing interest the Russian market. Acc. to Russian Media Agency Russia took first place in Europe in quantity of cars sold in 2008. Every year MIMS takes stronger and stronger position in automotive world and car business. Master Sport took part in the fair and presented its products. Visitors had occasion to get know to the new products on the market as well as products in implementation phase. They also had occasion...

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Production & Distribution Center in Poland

Service for central-eastern Europe

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Master-Sport Automobiltechnik GmbH has been producing spare parts for cars for years using new technological solutions, constantly raising quality standards in the field of materials used in the production of spare parts and production processes. Therefore, it was possible to extend the warranty period for most products. Such a bold decision is also possible thanks to the introduction of stricter quality control processes already at the stage of qualifying materials and semi-finished products used for production, as well as the control of individual production stages and final product control. The automation of production guaranteed the repeatability of the processes and...

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Rzetelna Firma – Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS)

Firma Master-Sport Automobiltechnik (MS) otrzymała certyfikat Rzetelnej Firmy w programie Krajowego Rejestru Długów, który stanowi potwierdzenie wiarygodności i rzetelności firmy. Działanie firmy na terenie Polski są zauważane nie tylko poprzez coraz liczniejsze grono zadowolonych klientów ale również przez inne instytucje.

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Murmansk Trial Expedition

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Africa Rally Test

Burning sunshine, omnipresent dust, extreme conditions make a life misery, not only for Africa Rally Test participants. Exceptionally tough town, exhausting driving conditions, extreme car exploitation – in such conditions not only a human is a weak point, any part, system or mechanism can break down. Lack of water, plenty of sand and mud can bring cars to a halt, even those especially prepared to such conditions. The goal of the rally is to get Africa in the shortest possible time. The shortest time, that is the shortest route – racing almost on roadless tracts. Sport Team took part in...

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The championship of Ukraine

In the 2006 championship of Ukraine in car racing for Ukrainian Cup and a stage of European Cup A-3 class in Jalta, the team consisting of Trutniew Wadim and Iwan Daniliszyn won the first place. In general classification of the championship of Ukraine 2006 in mountain racing - they got the third place. During the competition a car “ВАЗ” 2112 in class А-3 (with engines up to 2000 cc) was presented. The general sponsor of the team was Master Sport Company. The car was equipped with Master Sport parts of Sport Extreme and Sport Klasse series, including high voltage power...

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The racing championship of Russia

In a few European countries we are achieving successes not only in distribution of our products but also in car racing. Master Sport Racing Team, twice – in 2004 and 2005, won Russian Cup in the class of mass-produced cars with engines up to 1600 cc.

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